it is so nice to meet you! :)

I’m Kayla. I live in Boulder, CO! I love yoga, walking outdoors barefoot, and banana bread. I love blasting music and the smell of sautéed onions with garlic. I love hiking and writing poetry, and most of all I looooooove photography!


Photography gives me a sense of control in this chaotic world. With a camera in my hand, I get to narrate my own perspective, showing exactly what I see and how I see it. I’ve always had some sort of camera with me since the age of 8, whether it be my dad’s flip-phone, my own iPod touch, a pocket-sized point-and-shoot — you name it. I’ve grown very comfortable with using photos as a second language, sharing the things I can’t explain with words. Behind the lens is where I thrive.



No matter what type of session we are doing together, I want self-love and positivity to be at the root of it all. I spent much of my teens and early adulthood feeling self-conscious, lost, and unconfident — I struggled deeply with self-image and finding my way through the world. Thankfully, I was introduced to yoga, meditation, and journaling practices by some wise teachers & friends. Implementing these tools quite literally changed my entire life — I soon found my power, walking through the world with newfound confidence. I want nothing more than to help others do the same — while using my camera to document the magical process. Whether we are shooting your wedding, your concert, or your senior photos, I want your confidence to be shining through. I want to be your friend, your guide, your biggest hypewoman throughout your session. I want you to feel your absolute best, so that the art we create is backed by your brightest light. Thank you for trusting me to capture you.